HRH Amb. Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli, CFR, LLD, the Emir of Zazzau hosted the FUDECO National Day of Pulaaku in his Palace in Zaria with thousands of people in attendance. Part of the ceremony was the demonstration of the tradition of a bull used to transport belongings during migration or transhumance by Fulbe. Let’s retrace our roots.
Knowing the direction you want to take to your destination depends on you knowing where you are standing. If you don’t know where are coming from and where you stand, you cannot know where you are going!
We commend Fatima Zahra Bashir who coordinated and facilitated the Day and FUDECO Kaduna Chapter. It was more than colourful! It was amazing!
Koode Radio Pulaaku Fm Yola The Periscope Global Fulfulde 24 NTA Network News Afrika Pulaar Television Fulani News Media Daily Trust Fulani Pride Ladduga Online TV Fulani Online News Media National association of fulani students Fulbe Africa RFI Fulfulde Duɗal Fulfulde Institude-DFI Pulaaku International Fulfulde Africa News Peeral Media Network Hauwa Gombe Yar Fulani